Sistema de distribución modular y compacto para instalaciones sanitarias e hidrónicas
Linea Acqua
Linea Gas
Linea Acqua
Linea Gas
Linea HO.RE.CA.
Enlaces rápidos
Con la producción Made in Italy de Teco, la calidad certificada, fiable y duradera es una certeza.
TECO se halla en Franciacorta, en el corazón del Norte de Italia, donde, con pasión y competencia técnica, diseña y produce innovadores dispositivos de corte y dispositivos de seguridad para sistemas de agua y gas, domésticos e industriales.
Descubrir más2025 © Teco Srl | Privacy policy | Política de cookies | General terms and conditions of sale | Whistleblowing | Política de Calidad | Credits
2025 © TECO S.R.L., con sede legale in via Sandro Pertini n.39/41, 25050 Provaglio d'Iseo (BS) Italia, Partita IVA: 03215890173, Codice fiscale: 01238310039. All content, pictures and trade marks on this web site are property of Teco S.r.l. and covered by international Copy Right Laws. Don't use the content without the permission of Teco S.r.l.
Atención al cliente
+39 030.6850510
Corporate holidays 2021/2022
Dear Business Partner, we wish to inform you that the company will close for the Christmas holidays from December 20th, 2021.
Our warehouse will be closed until January 9th, 2022 inclusive. We kindly ask you to consider that the last day of shipping in 2021 is Friday 17th December.
The first shipping day in 2022 is Monday 10th January.
From Monday 3 January 2022, Teco offices will be at your disposal again.
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