K2 Distribution and shut-off system for chased gas lines
Design placca K2 Teco

Distribution and shut-off system for chased gas lines

K2 is the distribution and shut-off system for chased gas lines in domestic systems, designed to ensure safety and accessibility without compromising the interior look.

Every detail of K2 Series products has been designed with care to ensure easy, safe and correct installation. The reliability of this compact product that can be installed anywhere combines with faceplates that cover a significant range of looks with a geometric, compact design that adapts to the most modern decor as well as to more traditional projects.
The K2 series can also be installed outside the home as the faceplates are made of materials that are resistant to sunlight and weather.

TECO K2 B01 - Faceplate size
TECO K2 C01 - Faceplate size
TECO K2 D01 - Faceplate size

Available finishes

Your home deserves TECO


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